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Logo van Conxillium


One Group, Two Domains, Five Companies

Working on a reliable government and high citizen satisfaction


Conxillium is a group of companies that specialize in high-quality software for local and regional authorities. The companies focus on two domains: Civil Affairs and Public Space Management. All companies are active in the Netherlands and with various solutions we also support governments in Belgium, Germany, Aruba and Curaçao. Each company has its own focus area, but can work within the group on major issues such as information security, cloud strategy, use of standards, architecture issues, etc. This allows us to maintain the customer-oriented approach per company, but the group as a whole is large enough to also meet the many challenges facing the government.


  • Progresity

    Connects data with people, people with data and data with data. This enables predictable and responsible management of the public space.


  • Shift2

    Simplifies online interaction for millions of residents by enhancing local government digital services with government websites, intranets and other solutions.

  • JCC Software

    Improving service levels by means of customer guidance, appointment scheduling, personnel planning, payment and communication via display screens.

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