About Conxillium

Conxillium consists of a group of companies that specialize in providing high-quality software for local government, with a focus on the domains of Civil Affairs and Public Space Management. The Civil Affairs domain is served by the companies JCC SoftwareProcura and SIM.
BeheerVisieDataQuintGeoTax and I-Real focus on the domain Public Space.
Together we are committed to increasing the satisfaction of citizens in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Aruba and Curaçao. We help local and regional authorities to work professionally, quickly and transparently.

Our software enables government organisations to:

Act decisively and resolutely

due to an improved overview and better communication with the public and between council departments.

Extensively digitalise their services

enabling the public to arrange as many things as possible themselves and to view their local council as a reliable and service-oriented partner.

Spend council funds effectively and transparently

by implementing efficient work processes.

Give the public more understanding and influence:

from simplifying report and complaint procedures to organising elections and local referendums.

How we work

All the Conxillium businesses adhere to the same philosophy:

  • We focus on providing the most user-friendly, well thought-out software in our subject area. Whether it is management of public spaces, public records, taxes, elections or optimal customer journey guidance.
  • Our staff have thorough working knowledge of your work processes. We are therefore in close contact with the end user.
  • We consistently use open standards and interfaces, so our software can fit seamlessly into any existing IT landscape and companies are not dependent on a single supplier.
  • We stand out in our use of short communication lines, supplier-independent solutions, and high flexibility in our people and our software.

About Pharox

In addition to the companies that are active in the public sector, Pharox is also part of the Conxillium group. Pharox was established in 1992 as a software development company and delivered its first assurance database solution for the chemical industry in 2000. Becoming an industry expert in this field quickly became our primary focus, as we developed a number of assurance solutions for leading industry bodies and multinational chemical companies. Currently, Pharox Assurance is market leader in assurance and vetting solutions for the global (petro)chemical industry.

As a provider of end-to-end solutions, they help clients ensure the safety, sustainability and security of the logistical chain. Our solutions are made to measure, can be integrated with existing, proprietary systems and include interfaces with external databases and mobile applications. Together with clients, thay develop secure, user-friendly solutions for all stakeholders in the logistical chain, including chemical companies, distributors, inspected parties and inspectors. More information can be found at:www.pharox.nl